Serum Bank Management Software
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Simple and intuitive software
Fully customizable to suit your needs
Advanced search system
Alert for outdated tubes in the serum bank
Traceability of all actions performed
Identification and geolocation of each tube
Options: real-time management of the temperatures and interface with SGL/LIS/LIMS
Milk bank Management Software
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Simple and intuitive software
Fully customizable to suit your needs
Traceability of all actions performed
Identification and geolocation of each baby bottle
Options: Custom development / interface possible

Software Management
[intense_spacer height= »20″]
Simple and intuitive software
Fully customizable to suit your needs
Traceability of all actions performed
Tracking of nonconformities and cession management
Integration of clinical and biological data
Identification and geolocation of each biological sample
Options: custom development and interface with SGL/LIS/LIMS
Reagents Management Software
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Simple and intuitive software
Fully customizable to suit your needs
Advanced research, real-time inventory
Alert reagents on date of use, opening date and expiry
Traceability of all actions performed
Identification and geolocation of each reagent
Option: interface with SGL/LIS/LIMS…