Legal terms
The company AccsA’tech reserves the right to change, without notice, the contents and presentation of the site.
In accordance with the section 43 of the law n°86-1067 from 30 Septembre 1986 (France), it is stated that the publishing director of the site is M. Guillaume Dubois.
The user of the website acknowledges having the skills and resources necessary to access and use this website. He also acknowledges having read the legal informations and agrees to respect them. It is up to the user to make use of the informations obtained in accordance with the legislation in effect.
The information, documents and photos of this website are protected by copyright and / or intellectual property. Any total reproduction or partial representation of this website by any means whatsoever without the express permission of AccsA’tech, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the articles L335-2 and following of the code of intellectual property.
The brand AccsA’tech and its partners, as well as extras logos on the site are registered trademarks. The images on the website are protected by copyright. Total or partial reproduction of these images, these brands or logos, or made from elements of this website, is prohibited without the express authorization of AccsA’tech, within the meaning of article L713-2 of the intellectual property code.
According to the law n° 78-17 of january 6, 1978, called « loi Informatique et Libertés », the processing of personal data collected on this website has been declared to the « Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés » (CNIL). No informations may be disclosed to a third party. Everyone has a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them (art. 34 of the law « Informatique et Libertés »).