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Pharmacy refrigerators
Secure drugs refrigerator +5°C, from 100 to 2100 liters, with specific equipment such as compartmentalized drawers to optimize the storage of sensitive products. Ventilated, hyper-regulated, solid or glass door, recording system for traceability (optional). Product qualifiable COFRAC NFx 15.140 or Iso 15.189 recommended in the brochure of the « conseil de l’ordre des pharmaciens ».
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Laboratory freezers
Secured freezers with temperature range from -5°C to -150°C, from 40 to 2100 liters, fitted on request to optimize the storage of your biological samples.Ventilated or static, hyper-regulated, solid or glass door, recording system for traceability (optional). Product qualifiable COFRAC NFx 15.140 or Iso 15.189 according to the standards.
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Our softwares
We offer a range of specific software according to your activity, serum bank management, milk bank management, medication management, reagent management, etc… We develop customized application based on your specifications, different modules can be associated with your software to ensure an intuitive solution with ease of use.

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Innovative company specializing in medical cold systems…
We distribute various specialized storage solutions in medical cold storage systems and laboratory management systems. We are working alongside health professionals for over 20 years.
We design and market a wide range of secure intelligent refrigerators and freezers.
SERO’BOX ® serum bank / plasma bank with integrated traceability
REACTI’BOX ® conservation and management of reagents
LACTA’BOX® conservation and management of baby bottles
MEDICA’BOX® conservation and managements of vaccines and drugs
Audit and consulting in the development of your project of conservation and temperature sensitive product management, custom design.
We sell:
A wide range of positive and negative refrigerated cabinets for laboratories and pharmacies, blood bank and ultra low temperature freezers,
Custom specific software,
Accessories for serum bank (boxes, racks, tubes, microplates scanner, labels, printers, touch PC)
Isothermal and Refrigerated packaging for the transport of temperature sensitive products.